You can check youtube version by Benchmark aka OmMa
You can find keybindings in Options => Controls => Configure Addons => F/A-18 Super Hornet (Only if you use CBA3)
The base key to interact with the cockpit and other systems.
tailhook operations
Uses for select SOI ( sensor of interest ). You can select UFC or HUD/HMD as SOI
Uses for a select weapon in Air-To-Air combat.
Uses for launch A/G weapons. Instead of vanilla “Fire” key, it control allows you to launch your weapon only if the conditions for its use are met. Usually, you need to press and hold this button until weapon released. For example, it used to drop LGB or launch laser-guided maverick.
Unlock your target, using A/A radar. If you double press it on the FLIR page, it will return TGP camera to the default position
Throttle designator controller (TDC) Uses for interact with SOI. Usually, it’s used to move some on MFD.
Usually used for target selection.
ATC used to hold your plane speed. If speed less than landing (130 knots) it will hold landing speed.